Thursday, March 6, 2008

Weil Chocolate Walnut

Weil Chocolate Walnut ($1.25, whole foods)
1.6 oz, 45 g
Ingredients: organic dates, organic almonds, organic dried unsweetened coconut, organic walnuts, organic natural cocoa, organic vanilla extract.

calories: 190
calories from fat: 90
fat: 10g (15%)
sat. fat: 4g (20%)
sodium: 0g
total carb: 24g (8%)
fiber: 5g (20%)
sugars: 17g
protein: 3g

so i'm reading the nutrition facts thinking "basically this is a candy bar, not a granola bar." actually, its a brownie. looks like a brownie, feels like a slightly dry brownie, tastes like a brownie. Its a bit inappropriate for breakfast, but not at all offensive and would probably be refreshing on a camping trip. needs a beverage, as it is a bit dry. pretty good with coffee. by about half-way through I'm convinced its just squashed dates, and it starts tasting a bit datey. very nutty, which gives it a nice texture and saves you from freaking out completely about the compressed date idea. its vegan! Its also a bit pricey and doesn't seem all that good for me compared to even a plain granola bar. its got to be better for me than something full of corn syrup and glycerin (!), but overall its a better snack than breakfast bar.


Anonymous said...

Hurry up and get to the good stuff! The Clif bars ROCK!!

meg said...

giz is a big granola bar dork.